Friday, June 19, 2009

I Will Survive!

So, still no TV. At times I'm going a bit crazy, mostly because of this Rainy Rainy Rainy weather we've been having! My kids will not go out and play in it because they are afraid of the wind, I guess I exposed them to The Wizard Of Oz at too young an age. Anyway, I'm going a bit crazy trying to keep them entertained, but so far it's working and I only long for the TV about once a day, usually in the late afternoon when I've completely had it! I think we're all going a little stir crazy. On the good weather days we've been...

riding bikes,

feeding cows,

having fun with neighbor kids,

and helping to herd some local sheep,

We really love where we live!

ps. the amazing photographer is my husband, Ashley.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Video Killed the Radio Star

I did it! I took the TV away! Well, actually a fairy came and took it away while my children were sleeping, somehow that makes it ok to them. Life has been GREAT since I did it. You should try it, really. I know it sounds crazy, but it is a really good thing. I thought it would bee really hard for me the first few days, not having something to turn on when the kids were driving me CRAZY (ie. Cinderella, Annie and Mary Poppins), but they haven't been driving me crazy at all! They have been well behaved, nicer to each other and to me, more interested in making things, playing outside more... it is amazing. It's like I have 2 new kids. I know it sounds scary, but just try it! Even for a couple of days, it just might change your life, or your kids..