Thursday, October 30, 2008

I have the nicest husband ever! Yesterday morning, right before he went to work, I asked him if he could help me move this giant armoire upstairs. You must know that I ask him to help me move furniture about every other day because I'm always changing things around, and he always drops everything to help me (mostly, I think, because he knows I'll try to do it myself, even if it means trying to move our couch up the stairs). Anyway, it became a serious game of tetris that took an hour and a half because it just wouldn't fit around the corners on the stairs. At one point I actually said, maybe we'll have to take this wall out to get it up here," and Ashley replied, "let's try a few more things first". I know that he really would take the wall down if that's what it took, just because his crazy wife wants an armoire in her room, that probably wasn't meant to be there in the first place, because it doesn't fit! We did finally get it up there after getting it stuck, taking the doors off, and lifting it over the railing a few times... Thankyou Ashley! I love you!!!


Danny and Erin said...

Those were the sweetest blogs ever! I miss your kids, they are so fun. Keep up the blogging

Lindsay K. said...

Yeah for blogging! Now we can keep in touch, since we've kind of slacking. We were on a good roll there for awile. Lets get back together soon. I miss you!!

Danny and Erin said...


The Workman's said...

jjjaima!! You can always count on blogspot to bring a couple of long lost buddies together again!! Can't wait to hear all of the Webb family adventures!